Search for projects with tag "silviculture"
[ID: 480] Contortagallring SCA Jämtland
PI: Linnea Larsson
Thinning trial lodgepole pine. Sites in Silvaboreal: 25965 Singsjön 25966 Boggsjö 25967 Mårdsjö
[ID: 419] Odlingsförsök med björk, tall, gran och sibirisk lärk
PI: Urban Nilsson
Det finns en lång tradition av odlingsförsök i bland annat contorta och hybridlärk och data därifrån har visat sig vara väldigt användbart. I detta försök tas ett steg till med röjningsbehandlingar.
[ID: 417] Tree species trial - pairwise planted Kulbäcksliden
PI: Linnea Larsson
7203 Kälmyrbränna 7208 Storkåtatjärnsbäcken In each row two plants of each species are planted after eachother and each row starts and ends with the second species due to the rows besides. When doing the pre commercial thinning, every second plant will be taken away and therefore the pattern will thereafter be every second of each species.
[ID: 384] Tree species trials on agricultural land.
PI: Linnea Larsson
Tree species trial on agricultural land. Two sites, 10128 Maj and 10129 Hundsjö. Established 2015, including tree-species-specific plots, full-mix plot and a 4-mix plot. Two birch species, Scots pine, Norway spruce, Larch, Lodgepole pine (contorta), poplar and alder.
[ID: 174] Birch spruce replacement
PI: Emma Holmström
The purpose of the experiment is to have long term measurements of growth and stand development of the two species in monoculture vs mixture. The first treatments are initiated after regeneration on sites with planted Norway spruce and naturally regenerated birch where the two species are within the same average heights. First treatment is a pre-commercial thinning aiming for stand composition in four different levels : Every block is divided in four treatments with 100 % Norway spruce (NS), 100 % Birch, mixture 33 % NS and 66 % Birch, mixture 66 % NS and 33 % birch.