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[ID: 473] Measurements flux tower Flakaliden

PI: Linnea Larsson

Total volume and diameter spreading from circle plots around eddy-flux tower in Flakaliden.

Volumediametereddy-flux tower

[ID: 472] PFAS

PI: Hjalmar Laudon

Mätning av PFAS i regn och luft.


[ID: 471] Sciticen Science project on reproduction in medium sized mammals

PI: Cecilia Di Bernardi

We are investigating the reproduction timing of medium-sized mammals in relation to the hunting season

mammalsreproductionsciticen science

[ID: 470] Laserscanning Tönnersjöheden 2024

PI: Martin Goude

Laserscanning av tönnersjöhedens försökpark under sommaren 2024. Uppdraget inkluderar förberedande kontrollmätningar och efterföljande referensmätningar.


[ID: 469] Endophytic plant growth-promoting bacteria isolated from Scots pine needles

PI: Tinkara Bizjak

The main aim of the study is to examine if isolated nitrogen-fixing bacteria from Scots pine needles possess plant growth-promoting properties such as phosphorus and zinc solubilization, siderophore production, HCN production, IAA production and protease and cellulase activity. Additionally, to test if the isolated bacteria showing plant growth-promoting properties in in vitro assays, are able to promote the growth of important agricultural crops such as cucumber, kale, tomato and corn in in vivo study using non-sterile soil.

plant growth-promoting bacteriaendophytic bacteriaScots pine

[ID: 467] Groundwater and topsoil sampling at Krycklan catchment

PI: Arina Ivanova

Krycklan catchment is one of the locations of our cross-European sampling campaign, which aim is to generalize the observations from AquaDiva field sites (Thuringia, Germany). We plan to do topsoil and groundwater sampling at three locations within catchment corresponding to different hydrogeological conditions (wells transecting till, sand and metamorphic bedrock). We study dissolved organic matter (DOM), an omnipresent constituent of natural waters, to trace transformations of matter in the subsurface. With the collected groundwater and soil samples, we want to compare source and groundwater DOM and identify the key parameters that influence DOM transformation. Two studies are planned with the topsoil samples: soil lipidome study and an assessment of the potential of free-living nitrogen fixation in various European soils. To support and link the studies, we will assess the composition if microbial communities in soil and groundwater collected at Krycklan catchment.

carbon cyclefree-living nitrogen fixationgroundwatersoil lipidome

[ID: 466] UAF hyggesfria försök

PI: Fredrik Sjödin

Hyggesfria försök Uppsala Akademiförvaltning. Initialt studeras skötselmetoderna skärm och luckhuggningar. Projektet gäller planering, anläggning och datainsamling.

Hyggesfrittluckhuggningskärmställningföryngringbiologisk mångfaldprestation

[ID: 465] Biodiversa

PI: Fredrik Sjödin

Botanical survey for Soil Biodiversity Pilot. Biodiversa+ is the European co-funded biodiversity partnership supporting excellent research on biodiversity with an impact for policy and society. It was jointly developed by BiodivERsA and the European Commission (DG Research & Innovation and DG Environment) and was officially launched on 1 October 2021.

biodiversityboreal forestssoilpilot

[ID: 464] Kantzonseffekter på skogsföryngring

PI: Nils Henriksson

Projektet använder 15N-isotoptekniker för att studera skogsplantors kväveupptag på olika avstånd ifrån en hyggeskant. Vi hoppas besvara frågor om varför skogsföryngringen ofta är svag i kantzoner och runt kvarlämnade frö- och evighetsträd.

edge effectsnitrogenforest regeneration

[ID: 463] Krycklan Biodiversity and forest survey

PI: Johannes Larson

In this project we will further develop and expand the Krycklan forest and soil survey of the 500 plot 10 m radius survey plot grid. This project will add Biodiversity to the picture by a vegetation survey (following the NFI) as well as sampling soil, water and deadwood for eDNA. We will also set out insect traps on a selection of survey plots within the station boundaries. Whithin this project we will: - repeat the forest survey in Autum 2024 of all plots. - vegetation coverage and frequency at each plot - collect eDNA samples (water, soil, deadwood) - collect insects using two different types of traps

Krycklan surveyBiodiversityeDNA

[ID: 462] Test av plant- och viltskydd. Uppdrag Svenska Skogsplantor.

PI: Stefan Eriksson

Test av snytbagge- och viltskyddsbehandling. Uppdrag från Svenska Skogsplantor AB.
