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[ID: 486] Variationsrikt skogsbruk

PI: Johan Westin

Utbildning i variationsrikt skogsbruk för skoglig personal i det svenska skogsbruket. Skogskompetens Nord.

Variationsrikt skogsbrukutbildningVindeln

[ID: 485] Monitoring forest health with synthethic aperture radar

PI: Jose Lopéz

We use an array of tree sensors, including dendrometers, water content, sap flow, among others, to track forest health. Simultaneously we monitor water content with a synthetic aperture radar using various bands.

Radarstem water contentsap flow

[ID: 484] Field-based datasets for estimation of forest branch biomass turnover

PI: Hyungwoo Lim

Branch turnover data and computation code for deriving empirical brach turnover models.

Branch mortalitynet primary productioncrown rise

[ID: 483] Help with WEB2024 Krycklan Course

PI: Johannes Tiwari

All help organising the Watershed Ecology Biogeochemistry PhD Course


[ID: 482] ForWater

PI: Hjalmar Laudon

Studying the water balance in forested ecosystems and the role of trees, soils and streams in relation to drought

Droughttree growth declinestream water

[ID: 481] Evidence-based damage data and models for continuous cover forests (EDAMC)

PI: Jeannette Eggers

The overall aim of this project is to strengthen the empirical foundation to better consider forest damage aspects of CCF in the forest planning process, and to realize substantial synergies between E-tools and this our proposed project.

forest damageCCFforest planning

[ID: 480] Contortagallring SCA Jämtland

PI: Linnea Larsson

Thinning trial lodgepole pine. Sites in Silvaboreal: 25965 Singsjön 25966 Boggsjö 25967 Mårdsjö

lodgepole pinethinningsilviculture

[ID: 479] Influence of Tree Species on Soil Carbon Cycling across Boreal Forest Ecosystems

PI: Xanthe J Walker

This research aims to assess the influence of vegetation composition, climate, and disturbance history on soil organic carbon (SOC) accumulation. We will compare the mean residence time of SOC in spruce, pine, birch, and aspen-dominated forest ecosystems located near three separate research stations in Sweden and Finland. These sites range in species present, climate, and disturbance history. We will then assess how SOC accumulation in these forests compare to our studies in boreal North America (Alaska, USA, and the Northwest Territories and Yukon Territories of Canada). Our comparative approach will enhance our current scientific understanding of the drivers of SOC accumulation with ongoing climate warming. This is an interact project (3523) with activities connected to Svartberget

soilcarbontree species

[ID: 478] AquaBioEc

PI: Lenka Kuglerova

Biodiversity of small streams, ditches and dream (something between ditch and stream) in forestry dominated landscapes. Biodiversity of diatoms, bacteria and aquatic macroinvertebrates is assessed using DNA and RNA methods. Streams, ditches and dreams that are investigated are situated in mature forest stands but also in clearcuts (with and without riparian buffers).


[ID: 475] Naturlig föryngring och skärmskogsbruk med tall

PI: Fredrik Sjödin

Naturlig föryngring och skärmskogsbruk med tall. Karlssons försöksserie och demoförsök SKS.

skärmshelterwoodnatural regenerationscots pineccf

[ID: 473] Measurements flux tower Flakaliden

PI: Linnea Larsson

Total volume and diameter spreading from circle plots around eddy-flux tower in Flakaliden.

Volumediametereddy-flux tower

[ID: 472] PFAS

PI: Hjalmar Laudon

Mätning av PFAS i regn och luft.
