Search for projects with tag "stream water"
[ID: 482] ForWater
PI: Hjalmar Laudon
Studying the water balance in forested ecosystems and the role of trees, soils and streams in relation to drought. A summary in Swedish is availble below.
[ID: 249] Trollberget regular stream sampling
Monitoring of water chemistry in several streams. Sampling twice per week with increased frequency during the spring flood.
[ID: 248] Degerö regular stream sampling
PI: Mats Nilsson
Monitoring of water chemistry in several streams. Sampling twice per week with increased frequency during the spring flood.
[ID: 229] Weekly stream sampling
PI: Hjalmar Laudon
Monitoring of stream water at 3 fixed sites (#2, 4 7) within the Svartberget catchment, sampling once per week year round. Revision of the sampling on May 18, 2023: Continuation of the weekly sampling from C2, C4 and C7, but not during weeks with Krycklan sampling (228 Regular sampling), until the end of the year (2023) and then take a final decision. At each occasion, one sample in a glass bottle (O18) and one archive sample in a plastic bottle. Thus “weekly sampling” is really every second week (on EVEN weeks) and is to be done by the field station personnel as a part of the SITES stations support, and not a part of SITES Water.
[ID: 228] Regular stream sampling
PI: Hjalmar Laudon
Monitoring of water chemistry in several streams (C1, 6, 10, 13, 16, 20, 18 Degerö (referens) dvs ej SITES WATER) Sampling on ODD weeks. Sampling twice per month with increased frequency during the spring flood.