Weekly stream sampling
Created 2020-05-08 14:22:57 and last modified 2023-10-24 19:59:34 CET
Began in 1981
Monitoring of stream water at 3 fixed sites (#2, 4 7) within the Svartberget catchment, sampling once per week year round. Revision of the sampling on May 18, 2023: Continuation of the weekly sampling from C2, C4 and C7, but not during weeks with Krycklan sampling (228 Regular sampling), until the end of the year (2023) and then take a final decision. At each occasion, one sample in a glass bottle (O18) and one archive sample in a plastic bottle. Thus “weekly sampling” is really every second week (on EVEN weeks) and is to be done by the field station personnel as a part of the SITES stations support, and not a part of SITES Water.
stream water chemistry catchment