Search for projects with tag "mire"
[ID: 415] Tree-covered peatlands: separating carbon sinks from carbon sources
PI: Joss Ratcliff
The purpose of this project is to quantify the impact of trees on peat carbon, separating the impact of drainage and nutrient status from tree cover per se to distinguish sites that are most likely to be hotspots of carbon loss and to better direct management interventions against them
[ID: 299] Studying the impact of N fertilization on the CO2 and CH4 exchanges of a boreal nutrient-poor mire
PI: Järvi Järveoja
The overarching goal of the project is to obtain an in-depth understanding of the peatland C cycle response to increased N input using an automated chamber system established on natural, moss and bare peat plots. More specifically, this set up will enable to study the effects of N fertilization on the individual carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) exchanges and their various underlying component fluxes.
automated chambersgreenhouse gas fluxesmirenitrogen addition
[ID: 282] Degerö fertilization (DegFert)
PI: Mats Nilsson
Fertilization experiment on individual trees at Degerö and nearby areas
[ID: 234] Russian wells groundwater monitoring
PI: Hjalmar Laudon
The Kallkäls-mire is the source area for stream C4, and the location of the “Russian wells”. These wells are a set of piezometers allowing sampling at different depths in, and below the mire.
[ID: 60] Mire chronosequence screening
PI: Betty Ehnvall
The objective of the project is to link plant stoichiometric differences to GIS based mire and catchment descriptors, in order to find ways of upscaling nutrient regimes across boreal mires. A large number of mires along a chronosequence in the coastal area north of Umeå will be visited. Above-ground tissue from selected mire plants will be collected along with peat samples for pH and elemental measurements.