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1477 Flakaliden: How vulnerable is soil-stored carbon to forest dieback in fertilized and non-fertilized forests?

Created 2021-11-04 23:54:29 and last modified 2021-11-04 23:55:19 CET
Began in 2021


In this project, we aim to quantify a long-term legacy effect of fertilisation on carbon dynamics in response to forest dieback in a Picea abies forest in northern Sweden. Large-scale girdling13 (1000 m2, made in 2004) will be employed to mimic forest dieback induced by carbon starvation, effectively simulating a bark beetle or root rot outbreak14. Existing data and samples on soil carbon efflux and pools collected in 2004–2005, together with planned samplings this year will be used to quantify the responses. Chemical composition of soil organic matter and soil fungal community will also be examined to provide underlying mechanisms for the carbon decomposition and stock changes.

Bark beetle Fertilization Soil carbon decomposition

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